“Our Shokudo” is the restaurant in Lukang founded by part of the members of “The Kids from Lukang Company” and “The Lukang Renaissance Association”. The first two characters sound of restaurant in Chinese means “cooperate”, and the combinations of the characters stands for “autumn” as well. The youngs hold the “Lukang Arts Festival” every single year by themselves and convey the idea of living community into daily life.
來自今秋的啟發,有了今日禾火的堅持,禾火食堂的創業初衷即是作為「社區的廚房」 要有 好吃餐點,所以食材要真材實料還要現點現做還要內用座位,所以在有現的空間中要舒適寬敞不壅擠更要友善環境,所以餐碗茶杯都要瓷器玻璃摔了會破這其實就是今秋藝術節中友善環境店家的三個標準做起來可真不容易,但也讓我們走到了今天堅持了以上的種種,希望各位能夠在接下來的日子也有深深的感受, 請大家多多指教了。邀請各位合夥朋友從「日常咀嚼」開始,細細品味幾年來今秋努力在鹿港耕耘的人情味與地方情。
Inspired by Lukang Arts Festival, we founded “Our Shokudo” restaurant. The core value is to be the community kitchen in Lukang. There are 3 principles that to be our ideal environmental friendly restaurant: delicious food, interior seats and reusable utensils. We choose seasonal vegetables and the meats from local suppliers to provide the farm-to-table dishes. We would like to convey the eco-friendly idea to all the customers and friends.
禾火食堂 Our Shokudo
地址: 彰化縣鹿港鎮萬壽路154號
營業時間:11:00-14:00(13:30最後點餐)17:00-20:30(19:30最後點餐) 週四公休
Facebook:「禾火食堂/Our Shokudo」